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  • About Us

    The brain child of experts from 
    DevOps Enabler & Co.
    Sirius360 was founded by a group of seasoned professionals who faced the challenges of bridging the gap between development and operations teams in their previous roles, they recognized the transformative power of adopting DevOps practices.

Sirius360 is the first of its kind to help organizations move forward in their DevSecOps journey with expert consultation and implementation services. Before you begin your journey to achieve optimal DevOps maturity, you must first determine where you stand. Identifying your organization’s development and operations team performance level is crucial. You can accomplish an agile software development model with advanced security systems, but you need expert consultation on where you stand right now.

Market dynamics are changing on the fly and organizations need to 

meet the on-demand challenges of this ever-changing environment 

to meet the business goals of ROI, Scalability, and Time-to-Market, 

in short ability to generate revenue and be relevant in the marketplace. 

Our Vision is to enable an organization to transform its teams into 

a world-class team that delivers Value by meeting its business goal.