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  • Features

    Our all-in-one solution is designed to revolutionize your DevOps with a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge features.

It’s Bigger Than You Think And Goes Beyond…

  • Create & Manage Organization Structure
  • Create Your Own RBAC
  • Track Org./Project/Assessment Maturity
  • Create Area Path (Area/Functionality/Sub Functionality)
  • Track Assessment Status under particular Organization or Project
  • View Publish assessment’s (with assigned questions)
  • Track Assessment Improvement Area
  • Track Overall Maturity Trend (Organization/Project/Assessment)
  • Create Goal
  • Goal Tracker
  • Create Project Specific Goals
  • Create Your Own Assessments
  • Community driven assessments
  • View Assigned/Pending/Completed/Rejected Assessment’s
  • More…

Built For Every Persona


Be Relevant In the Market

Functional Area of Work: Senior Manager, Director, VP, Business Head, Leads a team of 200+ people. P&L Authority

Current Challenge: Long Cycle Time , Product Quality, Delivery on time within budget, unplanned outages, Cross-Functional Utilization

Solution: Identify High cost areas, High time consuming areas, Factors that impact quality and Drive business for Cost optimization, Customer Success and update you on current Quality with Time to market.


Adhering To The Set Process

Functional Area of Work: Management

Current Challenge: Lack of standard process/tools across teams, Baseline metrics are not followed, Lack of required skilled resources and Mid management is not aligned to the teams in terms of culture

Solution: Defines procedures or standards, the best way to execute, Define performance objectives, Understand requisite knowledge, effective decision-making and is able to describe where anomalies or flaws may occur.


Prove Your Skills

Functional Area of Work:  Product development/Project Manager.

Current Challenge: Data is stored in different formats, structure and in desperate storage. Takes long time to structure, collate and generate report. Data is incomplete, or unavailable at times and is a hurdle to get the right meaning

Solution: Submitting the data / reports on timely basis to the management team. Follow the set process. No scope creep and Recommendations on how the delivery can be improved. Process improvements.